Goodbye, Google+: A eulogy for the last great social network

Goodbye, Google+: A eulogy for the last great social network

(Read my column:

Here's my long-promised eulogy for Google+, where I argue that Google+ really started dying in 2014.

I hope you agree with everything I wrote here, and would love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments.

(Pic props to Thomas Hawk)



  1. Best review I've read so far....
    What will happen to my beloved Friends+Me ?

  2. Carole Mercédès oh :) we we’ll move on and add cross-promotion from Facebook, LinkedIn and add support for Diaspora*

    Sad to see Google+ go nevertheless.

  3. Friends+Me yes it is a dream that was really for too short before the murder started...

  4. Friends+Me nice to hear that you keep going and adjusting!

  5. Carole Mercédès that’s life :) and how are you?

  6. I'm good... shocked to lose one of my favorite places... even if just a virtual one... thankful for all the great connections i made and wondering how many of them will endure all that and what will part.

    Guess the circle of life... ;)

  7. Carole Mercédès I’ll do all in my power to help G+ users and entire communities to transition to a new place, diaspora ( looks nice).

  8. I liked at it... seems a bit like a programmer getto. Plane - ugly - closed

  9. Carole Mercédès it will change with the upcoming migration of plussers. They will bring the G+ culture and things will change. We even plan to improve the UI to make it more G+ like.

  10. Oh really... change the UI - now you got my attention.... ;) because now it's not much....

  11. Will Friends+Me still work for G Suite G+ers? There wasn't a close down of the API announced, was it?

  12. David Schmidt we still don’t know. The Google blog post is all we have.


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