Hello everybody

Hello everybody,
  it is amazing to see so many people want to use Friends+Me.  

I am afraid we got into a trouble. There is so many new users and so fast that Friends+Me have run out of Google+ API daily limit. I've sent request to increase that limit almost 9 days ago and yesterday twice, but still no answer.

If you know someone from Google who can speed up processing of our quota request, it would be most appreciate if you contact them.

Again I am very sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you'll give Friends+Me another try after quota limit problem will be solved.

Thank you all.

PS. To process all new users (with current Google+ API daily limit) we had to increase interval between reposts to 30 minutes. This way the service will not simply stop, but will perform it's function (only a little slower).


  1. You should contact Vic Gundotra, he is than man who can!

  2. Richard Wade that's a really god idea. I'll do that.

  3. No problem Friends+Me, really looking forward to trying the service :0)

  4. Wow awesome to see so many people wanting to use this! Congrats!

  5. That's a great problem to have, Friends+Me :-)

  6. Bound to be growing pains, keep up the good work :)

  7. Tony Anderson Nicholas Gamache :) thank you guys, I'll do my best.

  8. +Friends+Me thank you very much for all your efforts i think that you will get a lot of users ^^ because is very good service ^^ thank again and wish you the best

  9. Well I can't say I'm surprised that they're dragging their feet though, at the end of the day the current setup makes it easy to engage your friends/followers on other social networks, but that detracts from eyeballs coming to Google+, which they might frown upon.

    Hopefully they're just reviewing it and will make the changes without much fuss, but considering the ongoing fight for people's attention, they might require changes... I wouldn't be surprised if they came back and said you need to leave the reference to the original article on G+ as mandatory or something to that effect.

    But maybe I'm wrong and they're just slow, but this is Google we're talking about here.

  10. I really hope thats not the case. The best way to pitch this to them is to convince this tool is to try and get more people away from these other social networks and transition them to Google+. The fact that all posts have to be done through Google+ is working in Friends+Me favor. It certainly opens this door for me with all my friends and contacts.

  11. I agree and I think there's a lot of "smarter" content from my G+ stream than from other networks, and it's great to take that content and re-share it, but the current setup just basically creates a separate "stream" on your facebook timeline that's completely separate from the original and outside of G+

    You can't see the ripples created by your sharing on another network, and unless there's a link pointing back here, chances are you'll find yourself engaging your friends/followers "over there" separately, rather than pulling them into your stream here -- which quite frankly I would prefer, and I'm sure Google would love.

    This should basically be a "come look at my content here" type of tool rather than a way to make it easier for you to export content to other networks, or at least I'm sure that's the way Google sees it.

  12. Hope all goes well for you guys, I really like this idea, it is my objective to use Google+ more often, & this vehicle of yours is ideal to get me on track

  13. Let them know this, I'm sure many others have the same objective. It has to be advantageous for Google+

  14. Amauri Viguera Greig McKean I also don't think this is the case. For the last few months have been Google people :) very helpful. I strongly believe that they understand importance of service like Friends+Me. Migration of people from other other networks to Google+ should be slow and natural process. Also I believe that every network have its purpose, its core of believes. Diversity is good and should be embraced. BUT thoughts must flow and boundaries must be broken.

    When will Google open Google+ API for writes, first thing I'll implement is FB comments, LinkedIn comments and Twitter conversation cross-post with Google+. This feature will allow people to lead cross-network conversations and that's really something. There's no such thing as  network that is best for every one. Diversity is scarce.

  15. Hello - I'm using my google+ ID - but it's saying that it doesn't exist.  Thoughts?

  16. Wow cross platform commenting would be amazing! Now that would open up all social networks to each other!

  17. Amauri Viguera I always link back to G+. And as I don't engage much on FB and Twitter, if anything, I'm inducing people to come over to G+ who might otherwise not. I suspect the majority of people who post G+ --> other networks are heavy G+ users who would like to get people to come back here.

  18. That's exactly the reason I want to export my G+ post to Facebook Christopher Carr

  19. How does DoShare "Write" to Google+?

  20. i had a feeling this was going to happen again ;D

  21. Well let's hope that they cooperate so that things speed up a little. 

    But even then, it would be nice to have some consistency around the whole thing.  I have two posts that have been picked up by Friends+Me and dropped off to facebook, one 20 hours ago and another 7 hours ago.

    I have a re-share of a TechCrunch post that never made it, along with a re-share of an AndroidCentral post, and a new post with an embedded youtube video.  

    There are no hashtags involved, so I have to assume it's the processing rather than the origin, but it would be nice if it worked all the time, even if it's slow :)

  22. Bear in mind it is still in it's Beta stage. There will be some bugs that need ironed out. I'm sure they will be sorted soon.

  23. The moment Friends+Me will receive higher API daily limit everything will get back to normal. As it was a few days before. No need for panic :D

  24. interesting issue though... are you going to retroactively post anything that was shared as Public once the daily limit goes up, or will it count just for new posts?

    I ask because of my previous post stating that some things were shared, but some weren't for some reason

  25. I was going to send out a post to HIGHLY RECOMMEND but I'll hold off until you get this sorted.  I just LOVE Friends+Me - there are so many tools that have "ugly posts" not to mention any names (cough cough Hootsuite) and your tool posts beautiful to Facebook and Twitter.  Thanks so much.

  26. Friends+Me :

    I can't say I like the links back to G+ that are posted on Twitter (still not getting a link back to G+ on FB): "r.friendsplus.me/long_string" is going to confuse and probably deter some people from clicking.

  27. Christopher Carr - I think it's better than Scoop.it links. (?).  What I like is that there are post thumbnails/photos and even in twitter the image, video, etc. is there in the feed.  If you view summary on my tweets you can see quite a bit of post information. https://twitter.com/irenekimmel

  28. Amauri Viguera oh my, if Friends+Me had had allocated daily limit big enough, no problem with repost would have appeared. It's a classic viral problem. As soon as there will be granted a higher daily limit, none of these problems will appear again. Except of classic bugs of course ;) Please, be patient with us. We're doing our best to make it work.

  29. Irene Kimmel Yes, it otherwise works well. I'm using it presently.

  30. I wonder if it would be possible eventually to strip the hashtag out of the summary on Twitter...

  31. Christopher Carr I take it you are you referring to the f, t or l hashtag?

  32. Greig McKean Yep.

    Alois Bělaška Cool.

  33. I used to use Google Reader to share to Twitter - but then they broke that and it didn't work so nicely anymore. With this, I can share with Google+, Twitter and Facebook too - so I might actually share again.

  34. Is it possible to integrate a character count plugin into G+? I have already gone over Twitter's limit when posting through G+ lol!

  35. Not a major problem, just trying to have my cake and eat it!

  36. Would just need to compose my post here first then paste in G+ - http://www.wordcounter.net/ Problem Solved.

  37. Good news everyone,
    Google just noticed me that they are reviewing Friends+Me request for higher Google+ API daily limit.

    Everything is just a matter of time.

  38. Is friend+me working at all anymore? the two mobile G+ posts I made today have been reported at all.

  39. Greg Hortin  How long a ago did you make the initial posts?

  40. I can only speak from my experience and that I have had no problem with my post. I use the hashtag method. What method are you using?

  41. Greig McKean I was using the hash tag method but it was posting everything aside from the ones so I stopped using #fs. It may have just started working correctly.

  42. Actually it seems like that may be the issue. Thanks.

  43. I have only ever used #ft  or  #ftl . All my accounts are set to hashtag so I have never tested/used   .

  44. Greig McKean with my initial use it was just posting everything even with the hash tag method so I started using the tag. I'll switch to default and see how that goes.

  45. Greg Hortin that's the problem, if you had default networks set to hashtag only than it was not reposted because you have not used #ft  or you've used

  46. Thanks Kent Dodds Still nothing new. Yesterday Google people told me they have to review Friends+Me app to approve higher limit. I don't know what kind of review are they doing, but they are pretty slow.)

  47. Hoping for the best, I just found out about you guys! 8-)

  48. how about opening the source. Friends+Me

  49. Dibesh Shrestha I've grown on open source, so one day, maybe.

  50. Just wanted to add my +1. Really impressed with this tool. The 30 minute delay isn't a big issue for most of my posts. Hoping that you get the API issue resolved soon & I'll highly recommend Friends+Me to all my contacts.

  51. Thank you Ross Jones most appreciated.

  52. Hi Natalie Villalobos how are you? Can you help us speed up a little Friends+Me quota request review? Thanks ;) Jonathan Beri

  53. Hi when do you plan to start introduce linked with friends+me. Thanks

  54. Is this the reason why posts to google + page doesn't automatically send to facebook page right now? Friends+Me

  55. Joe Shark yes, this is the reason why interval between reposts is 30 minutes instead of 5 minutes.

  56. My Posts aren't going to Facebook period :-( all the settings are correct, worked the first day, about a week ago, nothing since then.

  57. Joe Shark Are you using hashtag or default posting method?

  58. Funny thing is posts are automatically going to twitter, just not FB

  59. Joe Shark Greig McKean actually it was a bug. Fixed. Thanks Joe.

  60. Alois Bělaška Kool Thanks :D

  61. And thank you Greig McKean for helping other users. You're amazing.

  62. Friends+Me received higher Google+ API quota, finally :)

  63. Well done Alois Bělaška Congrats!


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