
Showing posts with the label GPlusTips


THE BEST GOOGLE+ HELP & RESOURCES Jaana Nyström has collected some of the best articles & posts about the use of Google+. No need to break down this compendium, so just take a look below for a taste or click this link to go directly to the drive: GOOGLE+ IN GENERAL 1) Official Google+ Help & Support by Google+ Help 2) What is Google+: A complete user guide by martin shervington   3) Having trouble circling people on Google+? by Jaana Nyström 4) Getting started on Google+ by Computerworld  5) Hangouts: Messaging and video calls basics by Ronnie Bincer  6) Organize your Circles by Gplus Helper  7) The anatomy of a perfect Google+ post by Dustin W. Stout 8) Control your notifications by Jaana Nyström 9) 12 most helpful Google+ pro tips by Peg Fitzpatrick 10) Google+ and your Photos - a tutorial 11) The Personalized Power of Google+ Plus Ones by Mark Traph...