Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone,

We've just released Google+ Exporter, an application that helps you to export your Google+ feeds (profile, pages, collections, communities, including all comments) to Wordpress eXtended RSS, Blogger and JSON file.

Another available option is to export all posts published to profile, pages, collections, and communities to JSON file, including all comments!

Transform exported JSON data can into imports for other services, or you can use JSON export as a full generic backup of your posts.

The free version of the application enables you to export up to 3000 posts. You can buy a license key to get unlimited experience.

I would love to know your opinion, suggestions or requests. Thank you!

You can find more detailed info in the blog post https://blog.friendsplus.me/export-google-plus-feeds-45926c925891

Updates can be downloaded from page https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

UPDATE version 1.4.0 / 13-12-2018:
* NEW links attached to Google+ posts are exported for Blogger with embed.ly widget since Blogger does not support link preview natively. Looks really nice.

UPDATE version 1.3.0 / 13-12-2018:
* FIXED WP media export. WP requires media URL to end with a known file extension (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png)
* FIXED visualized post counts were not accurate
* FIXED collection posts were present in WP and Blogger exports twice
* NEW error notification appears in case something is wrong with download or export

UPDATE version 1.2.1 / 12-12-2018:
* FIXED WP export post title length limited to 120 characters
* FIXED WP export post message formatting improved
* FIXED Google+ accounts detection (Japanese)

UPDATE version 1.2.0 / 12-12-2018:
* NEW introduced export to Google Blogger Backup file
* FIXED message formatting for WP export

UPDATE version 1.1.0 / 11-12-2018:
* updated Google+ accounts detection
* support for photo album posts

UPDATE version 1.0.9 / 10-12-2018:
* updated Google+ accounts detection

UPDATE version 1.0.7 / 28-11-2018:
* updated Google+ accounts detection

UPDATE version 1.0.5:
* fixed posts comments download. We recommend re-downloading all feeds to fetch missing comments.
* fixed message compilation for WP export
* WP export now with comments
* export collections and communities separately
* configurable exports, pick whether you want to export private posts and comments

#GooglePlusRefugees #GooglePlus #Google+ #DataLiberation #DataExport


  1. Looks Promising... Wordpress Or JSON Good Options

  2. Owen Kane I would love to hear from users what other platforms would they like me to add. I plan to support more than just WP and JSON.

  3. Kenichiro MATOHARA you mean export to static site?

  4. Friends+Me Yes.
    I am happy if it can be used with static site, static Siite Generator Pelican etc.

  5. Support for Jekyll static site generator and hosted directly on Github would probably be a useful option for some. :)

  6. Kenichiro MATOHARA so basically export to markdown should suffice, am I right? I mean export posts to a separate files with markdown format.

  7. While 3000 should be enough for the majority of ghost town G+ users, I feel like we should have different tiers of premium for different numbers >3000 of posts

  8. Is there also a web-based version available, rather than an app?

  9. Filip H.F. Slagter no, only desktop version will be available.

  10. Friends+Me which permission scopes will the app request from Google?

  11. Filip H.F. Slagter none, the official API is not used in this case

  12. Thank you. You've had a great, easy to use service for ages. Which formatting would be needed to output to Blogger?

  13. Cass Morrison Blogger will probably be next supported platform.

  14. Thank you, Friends+Me! I'm excited that you're working on this!

    Question: Will the WP export include comments also or only the JSON data export?

  15. Gina Fiedel WP export contains only public posts without comments. Comments are present only in the json export.

    Would you like comments to be also part of the WP export? Is it a good idea?

  16. Friends+Me personally, I think it's a great idea to include comments in the WP export. I'm most likely going to create a site dedicated to all my G+ posts from both my Profile and our business page. It's not unusual for the comments to be integral to the experience of the post.

    When you refer to "public posts" does that exclude communities and/or collections?

    Will there be a way to export posts from private communities?

    My technical expertise doesn't include knowing how to utilize the json export or what the look and feel would be for those. Having a hard time wrapping my brain around that option.

    Thanks for asking!

  17. Be sure to inform everyone whose comments you decide to republish, as they never gave explicit permission for publication outside of Google+, especially not to an entity other than Google.

  18. Gina Fiedel right now you can export for WP only posts published to profiles and pages including collections.

    Next version of the app should be able to export separate communities (public and private) posts for WP.

    Right now the JSON export contains all posts including collections and communities (public+private).

    The export to JSON is there for full generic backup and for other developers who will be able to create other programs and help G+ users to migrate data to even more services. Together we're stronger.

  19. Filip H.F. Slagter comments are also part of the Google Takeout so I don't think it would be a problem.

  20. Friends+Me so far I've only found my own comments included in Google+ Stream Takeout data archives. The only time someone else's post is included, is in the ActivityLog Takeout when I've made a comment on someone else's topic, and even then it only includes the top-level post of the original poster.

    Btw, I'm not arguing that the export shouldn't include comments, merely stating that those who decide to republish those comments (that weren't made by themselves) elsewhere, should preferably ask for permission, or at least inform the original posters. Especially if the original posters would have no direct control over its privacy settings, exposure, editing and especially their existence.

  21. There's new Google+ Exporter release 1.0.5 downloadable from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    What's new:
    * fixed posts comments download. We recommend re-downloading all feeds to fetch missing comments.
    * fixed message compilation for WP export
    * WP export now with comments
    * export collections and communities separately
    * configurable exports, pick whether you want to export private posts and comments

  22. ¿ Who said g+was going to disappear ? I knew it was going to get better.

  23. Interesting. Thx Friends+Me - will check it asap

  24. First reaction: I would say, one should be able to select what to be scanned "first"... I have pages and communities that don't need to be exported "at all"...
    Seems to work fine, on the scan/export side... Will try an import in one of my blogs... ;-)

  25. Hi Friends+Me Did a test with a brand new 4.9.8 WP I just installed for tests 0592196e5f.testurl.ws - test DJM – Just another WordPress site - no special plugins, except Gutenberg & Akismet & Import.
    Imported a 3,5Mb XML file from a community with 100+ active users, this created a few accounts, merged most of them to the main admin (my choice), comments (675) seem OK too, asked to download & import attachments.

    But : got a Internal error 500 at some point. The admin log says : PHP Warning: rmdir(/srv/data/web/vhosts/0592196e5f.testurl.ws/htdocs): Directory not empty in /srv/admin/htdocs/wordpress.php on line 81
    => IMHO, there's some bad URL called here /srv/admin/htdocs/ seems incorrect - don't know if this comes from your side or the importer side...

    Plus, comments seem to be generated twice for each entry...
    Could create an account for you on this server if needed.

    There's a problem with categories & tags too. The main category is the name of the community. OK, created. But in the community posts are affected to subcategories (aka Topics I created - see https://plus.google.com/communities/115831804659443760451 ). for each post, the category appears as category-topic which was not created: e.g http://0592196e5f.testurl.ws/wp-admin/edit.php?category_name=african-music-forum-old-african-music
    Just a few tags were connected, although tens were created... Appear to have 0 post connected, but some seem to work, e.g. http://0592196e5f.testurl.ws/tag/kenya/

  26. That wont be the only thing shown promise u thay

  27. Get yourself an exclusive Black Friday 25% discount. Google+ Exporter license key for just $14.99 https://gumroad.com/l/jEVTZ/blackfriday25
    gumroad.com - Google+ Exporter

  28. It worked fine until I bought the license key. Now, the app won't log in to my G+ account.

  29. Tony Berno sorry for the trouble. Can you please try to download and install the latest version 1.0.7 from page https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    That should fix the problem.

  30. I have downloaded 1.0.7 and the login problem is fixed, thanks. However, now it stops downloading data after a certain amount of time (haven't sat and watched the whole thing, so I'm not sure what happens when it quits), and the reverts to a state of "not downloaded yet". I was an early G+ user and have a LOT of posts to download, so this might be a factor.

  31. Tony Berno awesome, would it be possible for you to give the app more time to try to finish the download? I’ve noticed the it takes Google more time to deliver older posts.

  32. Friends+Me I give it as much time as it needs, but it's not getting "stuck" or pausing for a long time. It simply quits downloading and goes back to the state it was in before I pressed the download button.

  33. After restarting my computer and running this by itself, with no other applications running, it finally succeeded, downloading 2516 posts. It is possible that Google needed to retrieve the data from deep storage to avoid a timeout? Anyway, I only needed to use this once, so as long as I can confirm all my posts are in the exported files, I'm happy. Thanks for this, it was exactly the tool I needed.

  34. Tony Berno Yes, that's most likely the problem. We've been confronted with such a question multiple times, and our best guess is that it takes Google+ service unusually high long time to fetch the oldest posts. We'll adjust timeouts in the next release of the application accordingly.

    Thanks again for being so patient with us!

  35. Friends+Me
    Good News - Great Effort Many many Thanks
    Can we get Google+ posts/collections with + s, images & comments to Blogger (blogspot) Blogs, Please ?
    When we can try & How ?
    FYI, Please
    There is facility to post by Email in Blogger - when posted so, the posts sit in Drafts in Blog for publication - of course as per selected option, for directly post or draft

  36. Ifinder Ifindi Blogger support should be ready within a few weeks. Stay tuned!

  37. Thank You very much, counting days Friends+Me

  38. There's new Google+ Exporter release 1.0.9 downloadable from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    What's new:
    * updated Google+ accounts detection

  39. This looks like profiteering, just another product being punted...

    3,000 limit is a joke to all but the johnny-come-lately's

  40. Philip Rowney 3K seems reasonable to me and I've been here since the start. Many of my posts are time sensitive. People don't have to provide tools for free.

  41. Didier J. MARY is it even possible to trust Google anymore? We all know the answer...

  42. Friends+Me that's why I'm testing your app... reported a few glitches for communities... did you see them ?

  43. Didier J. MARY I am not sure, can you please send them to support @ friendsplus.me just to be sure I don't miss them. Thank you!

  44. Friends+Me Will do... thx - problem exporting communities

  45. Opinion: $20 is a lot for some folks who will want to export.

  46. Is there a limit to the posts exported Friends+Me? Also, what about Joomla, can you make an exporter for that?

  47. Greg S It is free for the first 3000 posts.

  48. Cass Morrison Still same issue. I don't know that I have 3000 posts but now am concerned that I do.

  49. Greg S the app exports 3000 latest posts and tells you if you have more 3000 posts to download.

  50. Brian DeVille you are the first one asking for Joomla support. We may implement it if there’s a higher demand.

  51. There's new Google+ Exporter release 1.0.11 downloadable from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    What's new:
    * updated Google+ accounts detection

  52. Friends+Me I can create a bunch of Google plus usernames with that will help? ;-)

    Does this also backup reshared posts?

  53. There's new Google+ Exporter release 1.1.0 downloadable from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    What's new:
    * support for photo album posts

  54. Brian DeVille the app backups your entire feeds. What you see on the Google+ website will be backed up.

  55. Friends+Me Cool, I forgot to mention that in the email I sent yesterday... ;-)

  56. Didier J. MARY oh, I am not sure I've received it, have I replied already?

  57. Didier J. MARY still no email, are you sending it to support@friendsplus.me ?

  58. Friends+Me Yep twice! Check in your spam folder???? ;-)

  59. Friends+Me from my gmail account connected to my G+ profile...

  60. Didier J. MARY still nothing, spam folder empty, can you please send it to alois@friendsplus.me thanks ;)

  61. Friends+Me If it doesn"t work, I'll do it directly from Gmail on Web. Not from Outlook

  62. Friends+Me probably when you "unblocked" me ;-D

  63. The comments are some of the best parts of my posts (at least before Google's death was announced). I'm looking forward to full blogger export 😁 thank you for all the work!!

    And yes, if there's a tiered premium option for more than 3000 posts + comments, that would be great. (How can you find out how many posts one has made?)

  64. Friends+Me Sent anwsers back after testing latest version

  65. Lerato Majikfaerie the app will tell you across profile/pages/collections/communities you manage

  66. Is export/import ready for Blogger also, please ? Lerato Majikfaerie

  67. Youh Ze may I know what is your Google account default language? It would help a lot. Thank you.

  68. ...
    Export to Blogger is finally ready and available with latest Google+ Exporter release 1.2.0

    Download from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    What's New:

    * NEW introduced export to Google Blogger backup file
    * FIXED message formatting for WP export

  69. Just found out about this today, following!

  70. My WP install is choking on the "catch all" export file; it's about 50MB and the importer just keeps erroring out — "File is empty or set your download size to be bigger" (which I have done).

    Importing the small exports of my collections seems to work okay, but I assume that all of my non-Collections posts are in that big, main file.

    What can I do? Manually editing the big file seems untenable.

  71. Mark Delsing I can add feature in future version of the app to split the export file. What is your WP maximum upload file size?

  72. Friends+Me I've set it to 250MB, which I think is the max. Thank you!

  73. FYI, I tried importing my big file to a test site on WordPress.com, just to compare and got a similar error.

  74. Mark Delsing the split export file feature will be in next release. Should be ready in 24 hours.

  75. Friends+Me traditional Chinese. thank.

  76. -
    There's a new Google+ Exporter release 1.2.1

    Download from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    What's New:

    * FIXED WP export post title length limited to 120 characters
    * FIXED WP export post message formatting improved
    * FIXED Google+ accounts detection (Japanese)

  77. Friends+Me would you mind please letting us know what each of the choices on the Download screen are, which download for which system etc?

  78. Gina Fiedel sure!

    "Google+ Exporter-....dmg" is for MacOS
    "Google+ Exporter Setup ....exe" is for Windows
    "google-plus-exporter-....AppImage" is for Linux

  79. 1.2.1
    export to WP
    comments is miss

  80. But the links to G+ profiles may all be dead.

  81. -
    There's a new Google+ Exporter release 1.3.0

    We recommend to download feeds and create new WP exports.

    Download from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    What's New:

    * FIXED WP media export. WP requires media URL to end with a known file extension (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png)
    * FIXED visualized post counts were not accurate
    * FIXED collection posts were present in WP and Blogger exports twice
    * NEW error notification appears in case something is wrong with download or export

  82. Youh Ze are you sure you've not disabled comments export during the export process?

  83. Any timeline for the "split export into smaller chunks" thing? 🙂

  84. Friends+Me Cool! Thanks for pointing me in that direction.

  85. -
    There's a new Google+ Exporter release 1.4.0

    Embed.ly support for Blogger exports.

    Download from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jkaut9054xzwd1e/AAAkXT7j7I8qi7ryMJqBx0oxa?dl=0&lst=

    What's New:

    * NEW links attached to Google+ posts are exported for Blogger with embed.ly widget since Blogger does not support link preview natively. Looks really nice.


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