IMPORTANT QUESTION: Anybody having problem with Friends+Me skipping Google+ posts that should be reposted to other networks?

IMPORTANT QUESTION: Anybody having problem with Friends+Me skipping Google+ posts that should be reposted to other networks?

Thank you.


  1. I've had a few post later than I expected. I think i had one skipped, but my Facebook access may have expired on that one.

  2. Yes I had noticed at least one to Facebook about a week back. I may have missed one or two more.

  3. I noticed an issue 3 weeks ago, seems to have started working again though.

  4. Yes, my last several posts to G+ have not been reposted to Facebook. I've re-authorized both accounts and refreshed the timelines at the Friends PlusMe website (not sure if that last part does anything). Also, my re-post interval is up to 1450 minutes. It would be nice if we could manually push it to happen on command.

    Note: I use the hashtag option to tag what I want reposted.

  5. I posted this post at 1 hour ago - it has not yet appeared on my Facebook or Tumblr feeds.

  6. I also posted a couple hours ago. Still nothing sent to fb...

  7. I had another post that I created last night that still hasn't been reposted. It looks like my repost interval has been bumped up to 24 hours, so maybe I just need to wait longer?

    I remember 3 hours being the longest interval I've ever had to wait before. Did things change?


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