Which way will you participate?

Which way will you participate?

Google+ Event Page:

YouTube Live-Streaming or for Replay:

#LightsCameraHOA! Meet the Founder of Friends+Me, Alois Belaska!

Join us on Monday, January 25th, as our Featured Guest on our #LightsCameraHOA live-streaming broadcast will be Alois Belaska.  He is the founder of Friends+Me, the automated tool to use for your social media platforms – especially essential for your Google+ Profile and Google+ Page!  

This will be your opportunity to ask Alois any questions you have about the platform.  Alois lives in Zlin, Czech Republic, and he’ll be staying up late in his evening to introduce us to how Friends+Me can be a major help to those of us on Google+ who want to consider posting to our friends around the world during “their” time zones, rather than just posting for those within our own.  As our worldwide friendships continue to grow without geographical boundaries, this is a platform that can keep everyone in touch! 

If you would like to follow Alois on Google+, this is his link:

Take a look at the Friends+Me platform prior to our broadcast so you can have your questions ready!

Select YES or MAYBE so this event is placed into your Calendar as a placeholder as a reminder.  Selecting NO will not give you any reminder notifications.

To find out what you need to get started, watch this video:

Please watch the +Lights, Camera HOA Instructions and Requirements video:  https://goo.gl/7al3a4 to determine if you are ready to receive the Join Hangout  button for the live broadcast on a future Monday.

If you would like to be on any future shows, please send an email our way –
Meloney Hall at Meloney@bigupticksocial.com 

**** Guests who have requested to be on the show will receive the JOIN HOA notification 15-20 minutes before we GO-LIVE on-air to prep inside the “green room” (pre-show area).  Guests will also be invited to stay with us after the show for a quick “WOW, I Did It” release-of-joy moment!  

We launch our HOA’s from a G+ Business Page, which means you will have to “circle” it (add it).  This is the link to the page: 

What time will this broadcast be in YOUR time zone?

HOST:  Connect with Meloney Hall on G+

CO-HOST:  Connect with Ros Betts on G+

COMMENT TRACKER:  Connect with Sheila Strover on G+

John’s Wrap-Up:  Connect with John Jurkiewicz on G+

Subscribe to the #LightsCameraHOA YouTube Channel:

Join our Google+ Page: 

Join our G+ Community:

For those who would like more technical training with HOA’s, there is a great G+ Community that is well-suited for exactly that. Consider http://bit.ly/User2User

#lightscamerahoa   #placetopractice  


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