Be Ready - CircleCount PRO is Coming Soon!

Be Ready - CircleCount PRO is Coming Soon!

We are proud to announce that CircleCount PRO is finally going to launch on the 8th of January!
Be sure to check out the CircleCount homepage: and sign up to get the latest info.
The PRO service is packed with tons of great features and more to come as the service evolves.
Of course integrating your ideas and suggestions as always.

Stay tuned, since we are going to give you some sneak peaks of the upcoming features during the next weeks. ;-)

On a sidenote:

As a lot of you probably know, CircleCount ist developed by just a few people on a voluntary basis so far. Since the cost for running the site are steadily increasing and out ad revenue is decreasing we need another revenue stream.
We calculated that we need 100 paying customers in order to keep the service running for a lot of time to come. With your money we will be able to pay the server costs and be able to keep developing new CircleCount services. So spread the word…

Thank you for supporting us!

May the Force be with Google+


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