How I Use Friends+Me and Google+ To Rule Social Media

How I Use Friends+Me and Google+ To Rule Social Media

I'm a Google+ User. I share to multiple social networks daily, but I do almost all of it just by sharing to Google+. For the most part, though, you wouldn't know it.

Go to Facebook, and I look active daily on that network. Go to Twitter, again, daily. LinkedIn, Pinterest, the same. I even look like I run a Tumblr blog of memes purely for fun. And I am active on at least some of those daily, reading posts and interacting with other users and responding to their interactions, but I almost never post to any of them.

Almost all that a multi network presence requires me to do is little more than share to Google+, thanks to a powerful, clever, and highly customizable cross-posting tool called Friends+Me. Because of this, I can actually enjoy using multiple networks, instead of it becoming a chore.

Here is how I use Friends+Me to be almost everywhere online that I want to be, and how even the laziest person who wants to be active on multiple networks can benefit.

(And yes, before you ask it... this very Post will be shared out to my other networks, as well.)

Read More:

#SocialMediaTips #SocialMediaMarketing


  1. Is there a tutorial for friends and me I have all the parts I need the assembly instructions

  2. Good write-up. Thanks, Friends+Me and Eli Fennell.

    Using delayed posts to monitor how things og out on Twitter is a great idea. I'm perpetually looking for ways to elegantly share to Twitter from Google+. Facebook and Tumblr are simple -- just share there exactly as here. But Twitter is trickier.

  3. Jim Packer Friends+Me can repost all publicly published posts no matter the source of the post.

  4. Jim Packer your setup looks fine. I'll keep an eye on it.

  5. awesome service, please add VKontakte social network reposting


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