Would you like to SCHEDULE posts for Google+ PROFILES?

Would you like to SCHEDULE posts for Google+ PROFILES?

Help decide the future of this feature. Thank you!

#friendsplusme   #scheduling   #googleplus


  1. I used it with the hour of posts with you
    NO ??

  2. Friends+Me You already have a form of scheduling... no sure what you mean.  Now if what you mean is scheduling via updating a Google Spreadsheet or CSV File on a Weekly basis then you have my attention, yes I would pay a reasonable fee for that!

  3. Hey Owen Kane I mean you'll be able to schedule post for your personal Google+ profile not Google+ page. With Friends+Me you can only publish now to Google+ profiles but to to schedule the post for later.

  4. I will sponsor, support and subscribe as I can :)

  5. Friends+Me Count me in, but that import feature is top on my list! LOL

  6. Friends+Me I'm more interested in queueing than scheduling, but I figure if we can get scheduling we'll also get queueing as part of the package. So yes I'll pay for it.

  7. Mitch Wagner​​ exactly, queueing comes with scheduling in one package.

  8. I've one little secret for you :) Queueing/scheduling for Google+ profiles will be released real soon!

  9. Yes yes! Then I could ditch using the Do Share extension for Chrome (which only works on the Chrome browser).

  10. Friends+Me Very exciting! 

    BTW, I'd both kill someone for this feature AND pay you for it. 

    Danie van der Merwe I have absolutely no inside information on this -- this is just a guess -- but I suspect scheduling for F+M will only be available on the desktop, using the Chrome browser. Still, the Do Share browser is pretty bad, so a Friends+Me will be better.

  11. Hey Danie van der Merwe it's true Mitch Wagner guessed it right. The browser will still need to be running but the result and user experience will be much better than with Do Share.

  12. Great news as DoShare has been crashing a bit for me and sometimes just not loading the page. Original developer is no longer supporting it.

  13. Google+​​ is by far simply a more elegant and powerful social plattform for reaching organic SEO than Facebook. It is ridiculous to find out some people are constantly trying to discredit it.


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