Hey everyone, I have a question for you regarding link shortening!

Hey everyone, I have a question for you regarding link shortening!

What are some other link shortening use cases if we rule out making long links shorter because it's just shorter?

What? I am trying to figure out why are people using link shortening, what are their use cases and if there's a better way to achieve those goals for example using Google Analytics and "UTM tracking".

Why? I am thinking hard about how to integrate click-through analytics to Friends+Me to deliver the best value in the less annoying way.)

Thank you ALL!


  1. Obfuscation. Sometimes having http://goo.gl/randomtext is better than http://stuff.com/spoil_the_surprise from a presentation standpoint. Other than that I've only really used them to make text blocks a little more presentable in formats that don't allow actual hyperlinking.

  2. Aside from the obvious character count reasons, I use it for aesthetic reasons. Sometimes it just looks better to use a short link than a 10000 character url. I also use goo.gl for the analytics sometimes. That's my main 2 use cases.

  3. I agree with both of the above - I really can't stand super-long links that create an entire paragraph size block of text - depending on the origin, of course. It's just not reasonable to expect people not to shorten if they are at all internet capable. I use goo.gl, too.

  4. Another reason to use link shortening, with the right shortening service, is a secondary source of tracking. You can use it to configure Google analytics to track that specific link. You use that specific link for, say G+. You use a different version for each digital property you share on.

    This allows you to start your conversion funnel at a much more specific level and can save time, with proper analytics configuration, in tracking your various marketing efforts.

  5. These are each great answers. I use YOURLS from Google as my shortener as an additional branding opportunity (http://rdee.co/does_not_work). It gives you analytics on each link and also allows you to change the link's destination.

  6. Wow, those are amazing answers. Thank you all! I'll need some time to process them properly :)


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