We're having problems with our server hosting Linode... again.

We're having problems with our server hosting Linode... again.

Network is down, we're monitoring the situation.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

UPDATE: problem seems to be fixed. Thank you all for your patience!


  1. I hate Linode. It's much too expensive for the crappy support you get. I tried them a few months back and had nothing but trouble and virtually no help. You guys should check out DigitalOcean. MUCH  better option. https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=c5e09482975f

  2. move your website with GoDaddy . You'll forget about downtime

  3. Anthony Papillion we've switched from DigitalOcean to Linode :D they have had some serious network problems, I've not slept for weeks so I've migrated our service. And now it looks like I have to go somewhere else again.

  4. Amig Von Hallen it's not just website problem, major problem is with services that do the actual scheduling and reposting.

  5. Friends+Me Wow, sorry to hear that! I've been a customer of DigitalOcean for a few months now running a small email service plus a XMPP service and have nothing but good things to say about them. Sucks that you had a bad experience with them. I do hope you get your Linode stuff sorted though. Good luck!

  6. UPDATE: problem seems to be fixed. Thank you all for your patience!

  7. Is it down again? My posts aren't sharing


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