Announcing the Social Media Communities!

Announcing the Social Media Communities! 
Bringing together the best communities (and one new one) on Google+. Differentiating the communities, as well as increasing the size of the teams working on all of them, will only allow us to better cater the community to you, our amazing community members. Be prepared for interaction, discussion, and great engagement (okay, so not much will change)! 

• Social Media Strategy
A Google+ community for anyone looking for only the best advice and updates about social media use. Think of this as a magazine with public submissions, curated by moderators.

• Social Media Professionals
A Google+ community just for social media professionals. Talk shop with fellow beginners and experts in the business of social media.

• Creative Social Media
A Google+ community for artists, creatives, and any out-of-the-box thinkers on social media. Be relevant, be original - get creative!

• Social Media Discussions
A Google+ community for anyone looking for discussion and Q&A about Social Media, Web Design and SEO. No linking allowed, think of this as the water cooler of social media communities. Discussion and Q&A only!

We can read your mind right now: "So... I understand the communities... but what is this Social Media Hangout page?"
Well, for that - you are going to have to wait until our announcement coming Sunday, February 9th! Be sure to circle this page ahead of time (in a circle that sends notifications so you don't miss it)!


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