Scheduling of reposts from Google+ to other social networks #newfeatures

Scheduling of reposts from Google+ to other social networks #newfeatures

One of the most requested features is finally here. Friends+Me allows you to schedule reposts of Google+ posts to other social networks.

You will be able to define days and times at which you want Friends+Me to repost queued Google+ posts to other social networks to keep your content always fresh.

Publishing at times, when the most of the followers is online, increases the engagement and chance of actions such as retweet/share/like/favorite.

How does it work in detail? Repost scheduling is disabled by default and can be enabled for every destination account separately with a time zone for which you will define reposting times. Reposting schedule allows to select days of the week and define unlimited number of reposting times. Premium accounts are allowed to create more than one reposting schedule, this way you can define different times for every single day of the week.

With scheduling enabled, every fetched Google+ post is saved to a queue and scheduled to the next predefined reposting time. Enabled scheduling can be selectively disabled per post, all you have to do is to include hashtag within the Google+ post.

#schedulingposts   #socialmedia #socialmediatips #socialmedialanguage #socialmediamarketing #socialmediastrategy #socialmediaupdate


  1. omg awesome Friends+Me !! hey if i wanted to call someone at support, is there a number for that? or a hangout?

  2. Very nice! Thank you for this feature!

  3. Bruce Kraft if email is not sufficient, hangout is always possible.

  4. Friends+Me awesome thanks. I'll need to schedule one for perhaps wednesday or thursday sometime if possible. ill get back to you asap

  5. Curious. . any other users finding this a good replacement for DoShare? I'm happy with that status quo right now, but I'd make the shift to using this feature on F+me if it's truly awesome. Makes sense to eliminate a layer/chrome extension and have a more pure experience.


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