Jaana Nyström has collected some of the best articles & posts about the use of Google+. No need to break down this compendium, so just take a look below for a taste or click this link to go directly to the drive:


1) Official Google+ Help & Support by Google+ Help
2) What is Google+: A complete user guide by martin shervington  
3) Having trouble circling people on Google+? by Jaana Nyström
4) Getting started on Google+ by Computerworld 
5) Hangouts: Messaging and video calls basics by Ronnie Bincer 
6) Organize your Circles by Gplus Helper 
7) The anatomy of a perfect Google+ post by Dustin W. Stout
8) Control your notifications by Jaana Nyström
9) 12 most helpful Google+ pro tips by Peg Fitzpatrick
10) Google+ and your Photos - a tutorial
11) The Personalized Power of Google+ Plus Ones by Mark Traphagen 
12) A nice resource of links to Google+ treasures by Jack Humphrey
Featuring advice from Demian Farnworth  Chris Lang  Yifat Cohen Stephan Hovnanian Andrij Harasewych Carol Dodsley 
13) TIP: Create a private community for saving and storing data by Gplus Helper 


1) Your Profile
2) Circles
3) Photos
4) Events
5) Hangouts
6) Mobile
7) Local


1) Google+ Tips-The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Google Plussers
2) Kick-Starting Social with Google+ (Business)
3) Google Drive SDK: Drive/Google+ photos integration
4) Google+ Notifications & Privacy Settings
5) How To Disconnect You Youtube Account From Google+
6) Has Google+ Improved Your Ranking? - Tuesday G+ & Topics HOA  (Business)
7) Five Cool Ways to use Google+ for Photos | USA TODAY Talking Tech
8) How to Change your YouTube username and Channel name (with Google+) September 2013
9) Beginner's Guide To Google+ For Business - The Girls Mean Business with Jenny Braithwaite


1) Google+ and your business by Google+ Your Business 
2) Google+ business Pages tutorial by martin shervington 
3) How to Verify your Business Page on Google+ by Jaana Nyström
4) Google Apps for Business by martin shervington  
5) Official Google Apps help & support by Google
6) Google+ and SEO by Kristi Hines  
7) Google+ personal profile or business page? by Jaana Nyström
8) 12 Most Creative Ways Businesses Can Use Google+by Stephan Hovnanian 
9) The Business Guide to Participating in Google+ Communities by Kristi Hines
10) Official Google Authorship: Link your Google+ profile to the content you create by Google
11) Author or Publisher: rel=author or rel=publisher: Which Should I Use? by Mark Traphagen
12) Ways to Use Google+ Events for Your Business by Lisa Peyton  


1) Your Google+ settings
2) Google+ popular verified users list by CircleCount 
3) Most popular Google+ communities by GPlusData 
4) All your + statistics by Gerwin Sturm 
5) Manage your circles by Circloscope 
6) See your posts and comments on Topsy
7) See your posts in Timeline format by Jari Huomo 


Do Share  for pages and profiles
Buffer  and HootSuite  for Business Pages
Friends+Me shares from G+ to other social media


1) YouTube & Google+ Integration Community
2) Official Google+ Discuss by Google+ Help
3) Google+ Helper Community 
4) The G+ Resource
5) Google+ Pro Tips
6) Google+ Updates
7) Closing the Google+ Gap
8) Google+ Photographers
9) Hangouts on Air
10) GooTubePlus 
11) Plus Your Business
12) Google Authorship & Author Rank
13) Google Plus for Small Business
14) Google Sites
15) Blogger
16) SEO Community:
17) AdSense
18) YouTube Live Streaming 

h/t to David Amerland for the inspiration on this image (as well as my wife who saw the gears last night and said some red G's would do the trick.) 

If you feel this might be useful to others in your circles please share. I hope you enjoy the Drive. Have a great Wednesday. 

#GooglePlus   #Google   #GoogleDrive   #DriveDecks  Google Drive  #Smm   #SMO   #SMB   #YouTube   #GPlusTips   #youtubetips  


  1. Well thank you so much Friends+Me I greatly appreciate the share!

  2. Wonderful collection, Michael Bennett 
    Shared on CIRCLES and TECHNICS 
    Friends+Me You are doing good job in right direction with time planning, but not sure about Google password. There are a lot of risks. Your base can be hacked or something like this. I wouldn't take such a huge responsibility on my shoulders on your place. Also this all contradicts to Google's terms and conditions, as i understand. And what about two step verification? I am not going send my phone to you anyway. ;)

  3. Thanks for the feedback Konstantin Lamanov not sure I completely understand what to what you refer regarding the password as I only shared articles that were curated and am not the original author. Regardless thank you for the compliment and have a great day.

  4. Michael Bennett About password, it's to friends+me. They will understand. Everything is alright brilliant with your posts.;)

  5. Konstantin Lamanov thank you so much, got it, and same page. :)

  6. Hey Konstantin Lamanov we do understand all problems, hackers, terms. We just wanted to know an opinion of our users on this possibility. Thank you for your feedback, most appreciated.

  7. Friends+Me  This could be a good option. Also, maybe you know that Do Share doesn't support posts with picture for pages. Don't know why... Buffer have this. It's a second lack of Do Share after "your browser should be online" BTW Buffer works without Google password, as Hootsuite too, as i remember.  Good luck to you anyway. 
    p.s. I do like Do Share. It's really well done.


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