Who would like to help us to optimize new upcoming Tumblr support? We're looking for testers.


  1. Hi Mark Rivera can't find your F+M account. What email have you used to sign up?

  2. If you still need testers, let me know.

  3. Alexandre Trotta Friends+Me already does that.

  4. Rick Hansen visit http://friendsplus.me and hit the "Get started" button.

    Kim Beasley Mitch Wagner Luis Roca I have enabled Tumblr support for your accounts. Visit your dashboard, add a new Tumblr destination account and give it a ride.

  5. I'd love to test out Tumblr support if you're still looking for testers! (^_^)

  6. Chris Payne I have enabled Tumblr support for your account. Give it a try.

    Alexandre Trotta so you want a Google+ posts published to a non-public circle to be reposted to a specific Facebook friend? Do I understand you correctly?

  7. Thanks Friends+Me I have connected & I will let you know how it goes.

  8. Kim Beasley nice! I will appreciate every thought you may have on format of Tumblr reposts. Thanks.

  9. Friends+Me When I click on the link in the title, it takes me to the article instead of to the post. Is there a setting that I need to change. Or is it like this on all of the reshares?

  10. Kim Beasley it is like this for all reshares. I can make it work the same way as Facebook repost. And add option "Always link back to the original Google+ activity" so the link will go to shared content or to the original Google+ post.

  11. Friends+Me Excellent! Thanks! I'm on it! 

    Wish I'd seen this before I just posted a link to G+. Heh.

  12. And I just set it up. It took less than a minute. Nice work!

  13. And I've already found a bug for you -- so today is a productive day:

    When posting a text post with no links to Google+, the post comes over on Tumblr with the title "Google+" See here: http://mitchwagner.tumblr.com/post/57173939775/google

  14. Mitch Wagner well that was intentional, but I'll leave it blank instead.

  15. Friends+Me A better option I think. Thanks!

  16. Mitch Wagner and fixed, you can give it another try.

  17. Friends+Me I will soon. 

    I notice when posting a link, it appears on Tumblr as follows:

    - Original headline
    - My text
    - brief horizontal line
    - The original blurb. 

    That was surprising. I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature.

  18. Mitch Wagner well that is a feature. I was trying to get to Tumblr post as much information as possible.

  19. Friends+Me I'd prefer it just reproduce my post, without the original blurb, which Google+ does not include. I'm concerned about confusing Tumblr readers.

  20. Mitch Wagner I am on it.

    Mathew McKelvey I've enabled Tumblr support for your account.

  21. Mitch Wagner I have removed "the original blurb" from repost. We could make it configurable in the future because I feel it just fits well to blog posts. The repeated text is fixed.

  22. Friends+Me Thanks! Great job as always!

  23. Alexandre Trotta F+M will support reposts to Facebook Groups soon, but not reposts to specific Facebook Friends.

  24. This seems to be working quite well. Thanks for adding this feature.

  25. Mitch Wagner awesome!
    Du Sponda Tumblr support is pretty stable right now so we'll make it available to all users soon.

  26. Alexandre Trotta we believe "soon" is until the end of this month and repost FB Groups will be soon also ;)

    Luis Roca interesting idea, we'll check that.

  27. Luis Roca hashtags are now added as tags to all Tumblr reposts. Enjoy!

  28. So what do you think? Is there something about Tumblr reposts we can improve, fix or change?

    Mark Rivera Kim Beasley Mitch Wagner Luis Roca

  29. Friends+Me I think it's good to go.

  30. Friends+Me Luis Roca suggests a brilliant feature: Support for Markdown-style links in Tumblr syndication. 

    Post a link to G+ using Markdown style, and it converts to a true hyperlink on Tumblr. 

    This would support both inline and reference links.

    Also, paragraphs preceded by a ">" on Google+ would get converted to blockquotes on Tumblr. 

    Luis Roca Are there any other Markdown features that should be converted to HTML in Tumblr? G+ handles bold and italics differently than Markdown does, so F+M would have to respect the G+ style there. 

    I'd really love to see this kind of Markdown supported by F+M.

  31. Luis Roca I don't have much use for lists, myself. On the occasion I do use them, I'm fine creating them manually.

  32. Mitch Wagner Luis Roca that sounds like an interesting idea, but technically a bit complicated.

    Du Sponda Tumblr support is enabled for your account, give it a try!

  33. Friends+Me I'm curious: Why complicated? I should think it would be fairly simple. You translate +mentions to live links on Tumblr -- which I love -- I'd think this would be simpler. What am I missing?

  34. Luis Roca Agreed. Possibly I should have been more clear about that.

  35. Mitch Wagner Luis Roca Du Sponda  I gave it a second thought and it wouldn't be technically that hard to accomplish. I'll add this feature to roadmap as a low priority task.


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