We have finally been able to solve the problem with the grouping of photos reposted by Friends+Me to Facebook timeline.

We have finally been able to solve the problem with the grouping of photos reposted by Friends+Me to Facebook timeline.

What users need to do is to extend Friends+Me permissions to connected Facebook accounts, the access to photos is needed, and to reconnect Facebook accounts. To reconnect Facebook account you have to go to the account and look for "Settings" menu and "Reconnect" option.

Once Facebook accounts are reconnected, everything should start to work as expected.

#facebook   #friendsplusme


  1. Good to hear. BTW. What's with the click-to-read-mo.re links? Or do those just happen to be from what I'm sharing recently?

    (Never mind, I see it now in the settings. New option.)

  2. Kee Hinckley It is the missing "always link to the original Google+ post" functionality.

  3. Yes. Now that I get it, it makes a lot of sense (including why it's a long URL). Nice feature.

  4. Friends+Me how about bit.ly support? I couldn't find these settings.
    I really want to use bit.ly because I have my own short URL.

  5. Dennis Bijl every destination network account supports bit.ly shortener, in "Settings" menu you'll find "Link shortening" option. And I have to add that bit.ly shortener is available only for premium plans.

  6. Friends+Me thanks, I'll have a look there.

  7. Hmm the button to reconnect to Facebook does nothing.  Any ideas?

  8. Hi Tazein Mirza Saad your F+M account have reached a monthly repost limit about 4 days ago. You were sent an e-mail notification. Haven't you received it?

  9. Alex Bennée please make sure your're not using any blocking browser extension like "Facebook Disconnect".

  10. Alex Bennée have you been able to solve it? Was is the "Facebook Disconnect" extension?

  11. Friends+Me yes, not an overly useful extension for this use case :-)

  12. Alex Bennée exactly :)

    Tazein Mirza Saad no need to send notification again. You can wait until begin of next month or upgrade you account to premium plan http://friendsplus.me/#/pricing and enjoy Friends+Me without limits.


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