This is a huge timesaver and allows me to keep me to keep up everyone updated across multiple social media networks without having to leave Google Plus :)

This is a huge timesaver and allows me to keep me to keep up everyone updated across multiple social media networks without having to leave Google Plus :)  

Now you can keep your facebook friends who don't want to join in the awesomeness that is Google Plus up to date with your latest happenings.

What do you think?  Is this something you would find helpful?


  1. the most easiest and convinient way to interact across social media

  2. hello, why is my "Play'N'Swap
    Google+ Page / Deactivated"  showing as deactivated.  All I would like to do is be able to post messages on my Google+ page and have that repost it to twitter and the facebook page (not my personal facebook) like it used to.

  3. Hey Lia Rios free plan do not supports Google+ Pages. I suggest you to upgrade your plan to STANDARD or UNLIMITED

    Your Google+ Page will be reactivated with plan upgrade.

  4. Hey Friends+Me did you guys replace Bitly with or can I use my Bitly api as B4?

  5. Neil Ferree is still available for premium plans, you can use it as B4 :)

  6. Posting on one G+ page and having it repost to one Fb page and one twitter account (like was previously allowed) should not have been changed to a "premium" feature...I can understand placing limits on how often free users can repost, I get that, but to take it completely away for free users seems unjustified.  There should have at least been a "grandfathering" in of loyal users like me who used the system in BETA as that is how online companies figure out all the bugs before finalizing...count this previously loyal user out.

  7. actually Lia Rios as a Freemium user, they still give you 40 submissions per month, but in my case, I exceeded that threshold by day 20 so I had upgrade to the paid/pro version

  8. Lia Rios all beta users received a discount as a token of appreciation for all the help and we are still offering limited free plan. I understand you may be upset and I understand, but paid plans are the only way we can keep Friends+Me service running and still work on improvements you all call for.

  9. is it possible to post from blogger to facebook page ? also from G+ to facebook page ?

  10. Hi Ajith Sankarathil Friends+Me can repost every publicly published G+ post and even to Facebook Pages.

  11. do it work from blogger to facebook page?

  12. Ajith Sankarathil Friends+Me can repost every publicly published Google+ post to Facebook profiles, Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, Linkedin profiles and Tumblr blogs.


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