Brand new version of Friends+Me, at your service!

Brand new version of Friends+Me, at your service!


  1. I love the new version!! It is much more advanced in use and look! Thank you

  2. Professional work right HERE indeed. You managed to do it by yourself, F+M owner ?

  3. Sebastien Defrance thank you. So far it's just me. I love this work, it is  something I am really passionate about. A lot of work done and a lot of work ahead. Somebody loves to watch TV, I love to build something out of nothing :)

  4. Excellent... can you explain this option: Repost my posts published to public Google+ Communities?

  5. If enabled, Friends+Me reposts all posts you publish to public Google+ communities. So make sure you not just resharing a post you've previously publish on your G+ profile. Because  you will end up with duplicit posts in your destination networks. First reposted from G+ profile, second from G+ community.

  6. Great works a treat Friends+Me  but does not seem post the photo on facebook only words  and link back is that the way it is ?

  7. Is common that the tweet appears several minutes after?

    I say, I love the app and recognize your efforts, is maybe a FAQ but I  didn't find it...

    Beforehand, thank you very much!

    UPDATE really, really sorry! my bad

    How does it work?

    Friends+Me regularly fetches all your publicly published Google+ activity in adaptive intervals (starts at 1, 5 and 10 minutes) and reposts the new ones to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts of your selection.

  8. Jon Chef Facebook started to refuse some photo reposts. We're on it.

  9. Hey thanks quick response cool as just checked only on one post out of a few thanks again Friends+Me

  10. Awesome tool guys! terrible sorry for my ignorance, I'll promote you!

    Thank you!

  11. Manuel Arciniega no feelings harmed :)

  12. Hi Friends+Me I've been clicking on the blue button on the home page to get my account started but nothing is happening.  Is there a pop up window that my  computer is blocking me from seeing?

  13. Hi Rosie Nixon it is a standard Google+ sign-in button which is using a popup window. So you should definitely check if you have enabled popup windows for domain.

  14. thank you - you're now enabled.  That little circle is spinning and spinning ... it's making me dizzy lol.  I've a shocking slow internet speed here today  so eventually I might get further than the home page. I'll try later on today :) and see if I can get an account up and running.  Friends+Me

  15. "Introducing paid plans" . . . is that for real?  . . .

  16. David Feron it is for real, why not?

  17. K just want make sure it wasn't spam or a scam!

  18. Friends+Me  Im having trouble with the log in for the first time.  This is such a useful service I am hoping it works itself out tomarrow.

  19. Jim Morris you should check if your browser or some extension is not blocking popup windows. Google+ sign-in uses popup window.

  20. Tamara Dull do you get the spinning wheel inside the "Get started" button after you click it?

  21. I tried the cookies and turned off my pop up blocker still cant get through to the account,  The button just shows the spinning and nothing happens. I think but it may be one of my settings because I also cannot log in properly at another site.  I will have a mess of a time finding the setting that is incorrect but I'm hoping someone can help.  I even changed my internet setting preferences back to my default.

  22. OMG!! SO HAPPY!  I revoked access then went in through my laptop and started over.  Now I am back on your AWESOME site!!!

  23. Jim Morris how did you revoked access?

  24. I went to "account", them clicked on "google+" then "manage apps" then "revoke access" then went to your site and double clicked a few times till the pop up for  finally access came up again to reinstate..

  25. I see, thanks for the insight Jim Morris. I've made a few changes to the sign-in process, lets see if it helps to solve the problem.

  26. Tamara Dull that is a good news! I think upgraded sign-in process will help other people to avoid this complication.

  27. It still is funky on one of my computers because of a security setting stopping the pop up.  At least I can log in from the one computer and my posts work..

  28. Why is it that animated Gifs that I repost from G+ to FB lose their animation when on FB?

  29. Christopher Leger Facebook miles behind Google+ and do not support animated GIFs.

  30. Just figured that out, thanks.  Yet another reason why I am rarely on Facebook.

  31. Christopher Leger but what about your friends and family. They are going to stay there for a long time.

  32. I'm now having problems with the website. It's worked fine until the last couple of days, but now I'm having similar issues to other users in this conversation. When I hit the Get Started button I just get the spinning wheel. I've tried revoking access, but now can't reinstate it. I can't see any pop-up blocker issues. And I've tried on two different machines with several browsers. The site is version 1.2.18

    Update - Have managed to access it now on an older machine (that I'm about to get rid of) on Firefox, but not Chrome.

  33. I dont have chrome but i have xfinity norton with pop ups setting on and still cant log in on the desktop.  im sure it has something to do with my protection because sometimes i see the pop up box start then dissapear.thank god for the laptop where i did the set up.  it did work yesterday when i posted so all is well but i will be listening in on how he fixes this for my desktop.

  34. Chris Millar Jim Morris could you please send me versions of browsers you've tried and platforms? Thanks.


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