Share Google+ Posts Automatically to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Share Google+ Posts Automatically to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

My review of Friends+Me – Share Your Google+ Public Posts.

As more and more people discover the benefits of having a Google Plus (G+) Personal Profile and a G+ Brand Page, so the question arises of how to automatically share your public posts to the other well established social network sites; such as Twitter, Facebook Pages and LinkedIn?

Read my review of Friends+Me an application that automatically shares your Google+ posts to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

You can also set the application to share from your Google+ Profile and Google+ Page to DIFFERENT Twitter and Facebook Pages.

Your G+ Profile can automatically share to your Twitter/Facebook account a)
Your G+ Page can automatically share to your Twitter/Facebook account b).

#googleplus   #googleplusshare   #socialmedia   #socialnetworking   #sharegoogle   #friendsplusme


  1. Hello Friends+Me =) I'm having problems to register my twitter account to this service, it keeps telling me "We're sorry but Friends+Me application have failed to process your request. Please try again."

    What should I do?

  2. Hi Krlos Reyna we have identified the problem and right know we're working on a fix.

  3. Krlos Reyna aaand it is fixed, sorry for the delay. Thank you.

  4. what delay? hehe

    you're awesome!

    Thank You


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