New adaptive repost interval feature

New adaptive repost interval feature

We relentlessly work on reduction of maintenance costs of Friends+Me service to be able to offer our users the lowest possible price when the time comes. An improvement we have recently come up with is a new adaptive repost interval.

What is the point? We want to optimize the load and number of our servers. Also Google+ Developer Relations Team requires this feature to be implemented before they allow another increase of Google+ API quota.

How does it work? Every day, which Friends+Me does not fetch any new posts, your account repost interval will slow down but it will be immediately restored to the fastest possible interval with your first post.
If you publish at least one post a day, you always have the fastest possible repost interval.

For example, you have subscribed STANDARD plan (everybody is subscribed to the STANDARD plan  for free in beta) and you do not publish at least one post for 1 day then the next day will be your repost interval reduced from 5 to 7 minutes. The following day without any post, the repost interval will be reduced from 7 to 11 minutes and the next day to 15 minutes. That is the highest possible value for the STANDARD plan. With your first post, the repost interval will be set to the fastest possible interval, in this case to 5 minutes.
Friends+Me runs this check few minutes after the midnight every day.

Details with numbers

All new accounts will be created with enabled adaptive repost interval.

The migration of the existing accounts from the fixed to adaptive repost interval will start within a few days.


  1. Friends+Me Is there anything we should do to prepare for this update?

  2. Kim Beasley no there is not :) But thanks for asking.

  3. It seems strange that you have to poll like this. I wonder why Google has no push notification-like system in place to alert you to a new post.

  4. Jonathan Berry yes that would be awesome. We really miss notification API.

  5. Jonathan Berry Put them in a circle and go to that circle and drag the slider to "Notification".

  6. Zachary Morris no, I meant on their end with the G+ API. In order to repost your public posts, Friends+Me must periodically look at your stream to see if you have any new posts. I was commenting that it seems like Google could implement a notification-like feature for the API so they don't have to poll.

  7. Oh yeah, G+ api hopefully will come out at IO.


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