Friends+Me just lost more than 1000 1+ over night. Somebody from

Friends+Me just lost more than 1000 1+ over night. Somebody from 
Google+ team should fix that! Not very nice from them.


  1. And with every post spamming my twitter and facebook timeline - you just lost another one.

  2. Its a common issue, someone say its a bug, others say that google+ always did count followers and your +1 together, and now they separated it.   dont know whats true till now...

  3. Rodney Thomas we've discussed this in a past, just remove Friends+Me Google+ page from your Friends+Me profile!

    Whatever Google+ Page you register in Friends+Me will be watched and all posts repost by Friends+Me. That's normal behavior.

  4. It's a bug. Same for my business page ! This is happening sometimes, the number displayed right now is the number of +1 minus the number of people who've circled you. It should be back to normal soon :)

  5. I tried every fix - still spammed me.  NO worries - I'll be back.

  6. Sebastien Defrance that's a relief.

  7. There is a lot of new updates rollout for G+ Pages, things may be a little bit wooozaaah for some time :)

  8. Sebastien Defrance I totally understand :)


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