Friends+Me has improved Twitter reposts and from now on Twitter Card links always go directly to the shared article, photo, photo album, event, ...

Friends+Me has improved Twitter reposts and from now on Twitter Card links always go directly to the shared article, photo, photo album, event, ...

Your friends (followers) don't have to click twice to get the content. It is simpler and faster experience for them.


  1. good development - corrects it I think.

  2. I'd rather the link on Twitter go to my original post on G+ if my comments are too long to go Twitter. If my comments are short enough to go to Twitter -- 120 characters or less (or so) -- then the link should go to the original shared article. Is that possible?

  3. Mitch Wagner me too, but I think there is some sort of limitations for doing this.

  4. On the other hand, the current system gives me control where the Twitter link ends up. If I use the native linking format of Google+, the Twitter link will go to the original article. But if I embed the link in the text of my comment, then theoretically the link on Twitter should go back to Google+.

    If that's the case then the new way would be better.

    Either way, I appreciate Friends+Me's attention to detail.

  5. If Twitter Cards links to Google+ post then the second url is not appended. If Twitter Card links to site other then Google+ and option "Always append a link to original Google+ activity" is enabled then second url (links to Google+ post) is appended.

  6. Heads up, a friend just pointed me to Friends+Me and it looks like a great idea, but you really, really need a native English speaker and writer to give the landing page copy a solid edit. The grammar is off in a number of places. This is very important. You want that to be note-perfect with no errors of English grammar.

  7. You're absolutely right Daniel Stoddart I plan to reduce and correct text on the landing page.

    If anyone can help it would be most appreciated. Writing is obviously not my strong side ;)


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