Friends+Me now reposts photos to Facebook as photos because it looks much better than normal post with thumbnail picture.

Friends+Me now reposts photos to Facebook as photos because it looks much better than normal post with thumbnail picture. 

Before and Now examples.


  1. I was just complaining about tiny thumbnails last night! Love the update!

  2. Adam Christensen awesome. What to improve now? Any suggestions?

  3. Hi, is there a way to publish to Facebook non-public G+ posts? By adding your service into my circles for example?

  4. Ramchandra Ranabhat no I am afraid I don't.
    Alexander Pudikov right now there is no way to do that. I want to keep Friends+Me as easy to use as possible.

  5. I just thought of something...instead of removing the + mentions when posting to Twitter/Facebook, is it possible to replace the + by @?

  6. Could you add an option to not have the "Friends+Me repost..." text & link appended to the Facebook reposts? I would even be willing to pay for it. :-)

  7. Grace Carlyle I am afraid that is not possible, not everyone have the same Google+ and Twitter handle. Sorry. 

    Ralf Rottmann  sounds like a good feature. I will give it some thought.

  8. Yeah, I'd love to see this pretty soon. This byline linking back to Google+ should be optional. I'd be willing to pay an annual fee (anything around 10-20 US$) for it if the service stays as clean as it currently does.

  9. You're right, I used it mentioning a couple of people that used the same and didn't think of that!

  10. Ralf Rottmann I understand, it's quite distraction. I'll make it a priority.

  11. Friends+Me Did you just fix this? I noticed that the byline no longer appears..?!

  12. Ralf Rottmann not yet. Could you please send me a link to post where is this byline and to post where's not? Thanks.

  13. Friends+Me Got it: Byline gets added to Facebook cross-posts only when the G+ post contains a photo.

    I'd love if you would make that optional with one of those enabled/disabled switches in the Dashboard.

  14. Ralf Rottmann that is very generous of you and I appreciate it but I am not yet ready to accept payments for this service. If you want to help me make Friends+Me better tell your friends about it, spread the word. Right now we need more feedback, more ideas. Thanks again for your offer.

  15. Friends+Me Great! Let me know when the enhancement is ready for a test ride! :-)

  16. Ralf Rottmann I've deployed this new feature few minutes ago. Testy testy :) By default is append of backlink to Facebook reposts disabled.

  17. Wow! Speedy speedy! Will try in about an hour! Then post about it on my blog.

  18. Ralf Rottmann Speed is my middle name :D Don't forget to send me link to your blog post, I will share it.

  19. Pretty awesome... but the photo is still a touch on the small side. Is there any way to make it (optionally) bigger still?

  20. Andy Bryant unfortunately there is not. FB API is very limited.


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