Hello everybody

Hello everybody,
how is your Friends+Me experience so far?

Any wishes, complains, suggestions, ideas? :)


  1. Tried tinkering around with IFTTT and dlvr.it, but when my posts arrived to Facebook they looked terrible. So far, your app is working very well!

  2. Thank you Adam Christensen glad that Friends+Me works for you.

  3. Have some tweets(not mine),that include ads/affilitate link in my twitter profile when I use ur apps.I've disconected my twitter account.

  4. Hi Trần Đình Nguyện there's no need to disconnect your Twitter account, those ad tweets are sent by Twitter himself.

    Friends+Me is not and never will spam its users with ads. I guarantee you that.

  5. Love the new dashboard, by the way what's the option " Always append a link to original Google+ activity" do?

  6. Hi nick clark and thanks for your support. Enabled option "Always append a link to original Google+ activity" means that all Twitter repost messages will contain link back to Google+ post. If disabled, Twitter reposts for example of simple text Google+ note will contain only note without backlink.

  7. Why is reposting limited to public posts only?  I would like to repost posts to a specific circle to facebook for example.

  8. Paul Murphy Google made Google+ API read-only. Until read-write Google+ API is released this is the best we can do.


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