State of Friends+Me, November 2015

State of Friends+Me, November 2015
I’ve been busy lately fixing and implementing new features to help you to publish in more comfort. A lot of bugs fixed, existing features improved and new features introduced.
I can tell you already that I am about to release a one more new BIG feature this week. Hint: pin ;)
Thanks to amazing work of Ian Anderson Gray we have new articles to help everyone to get more value from Friends+Me:
OK, here’s the promised overview.
* youtube links are no longer shared in shortened version
* the last word of shortened status is replaced entirely with … to avoid unfortunate tweet truncations
* the hashtag is no longer automatically appended to Google+ posts
* original Google+ reshare operation is used for Google+ posts reshared with the Friends+Me extension from the Google+ web site
* share dialog allows selective publishing to Google+ circles, communities and collections
* it’s possible to upload and replace photo of attached link with photo of your own
* introduced new HelpScout Beacon help and feedback system
* minor application redesigns like menu and share dialog
* subscribe and pay with your account and pay for your subscription with Bitcoins
Enjoy ;)


  1. Thanks for the change for the share extension. I had stopped using the plugin's share because it was confusing me. I was thinking it was like the original one--just a better way of sharing. But it had changed to be a way to schedule and select what to share to, which I really didn't care about--the automatic rules were fine. I'll give it a try again.

  2. If I understand you correctly about Google+ reshares, that would be helpful. 

    I need to experiment and figure out what this means: "it’s possible to upload and replace photo of attached link with photo of your own"

  3. I just tested Google+ reshares using the extension. A small touch, but very nice.

  4. Mitch Wagner you should be able to change photo in attached link preview.

  5. Ithink igot what's iwas looking forward you my friends


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